Join our #ShineTheLight Campaign


Our Youth Ambassador Program allows tweens and teens to earn volunteer hours, practice skills, and contribute to an important cause. We welcome and rely on collaboration and support from others to achieve our mission. Our Spring 2021 session focused on learning how to create and launch a social media campaign.

Over 40 Youth Ambassadors joined us, learning about viral campaigns. We started by identifying who are audience is, what we want from our audience, and how to get it. Using this strategy, the teens broke into groups and presented ideas for a social media campaign that would help Gabriel’s Light forward our mission of preventing youth suicide through education, cyber safety, and kindness campaigns.

The final campaign is called #ShineTheLight. Our aim is to spread kindness by highlighting individuals on social media, spreading compliments and love their way, and asking them to #ShineTheLight on another person.

As evidenced in many studies, a small act of kindness can make a BIG difference in helping youth build confidence. Simple compliments can impact happiness and mental wellness. In addition, kindness and happiness are contagious so our Youth Ambassadors did their part to start a wave of kindness through their peer networks.



  1. Choose a person you want to highlight. It can be anyone for any positive reason!

  2. Choose a photo of the person you are going to #ShineTheLight on

  3. Create a social media post to publicly #ShineTheLight. It can be instagram story, post, Facebook, any channel!




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Please share any feedback or topics that interest you by emailing us here.

About Gabriel's Light

In 2019, Carol and Brendan Deely founded Gabriel’s Light in honor of their son who died by suicide at age 12. In honor of Gabe and all those lost to suicide, they share their journey with the hope that others may learn and grow from their tragedy. Focusing on three pillars of cyber safety, suicide prevention, and kindness campaigns, through outreach, programs, partnerships, and funding, they raise awareness and inspire youth, parents, and educators to take action and help forward their mission.


Press Release: Freedom Boat Club Names Boat for Gabriel’s Light
