How to Support Your Child's Mental Health This School Year
Mental health issues significantly affect minority groups who may face unique challenges and stigmas. July is Minority Mental Health Month, dedicated to raising awareness about mental health in these communities and providing support. The mental health of our minority communities is critically important to the well-being of society as a whole.
5 Ways to Show Support During Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health issues significantly affect minority groups who may face unique challenges and stigmas. July is Minority Mental Health Month, dedicated to raising awareness about mental health in these communities and providing support. The mental health of our minority communities is critically important to the well-being of society as a whole.
Sobering CDC Survey Serves as a Call to Action
In recent years, a growing number of young people have experienced worsening mental health, with teenage girls in particular facing a concerning trend. According to new results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey from 2021, approximately one in three high school girls in the U.S. have seriously considered attempting suicide.
Continuing the Conversation
If you’ve been a follower of Gabriel’s Light, you already know how important it is to talk about suicide with your kids. But is it enough to have “the talk” just once and assume our kids will come to us with their feelings in the future?
How To Talk With Your Child About Suicide
Suicide among young people is the second-leading cause of death. Talking with your child about suicide can help them understand depression and other mental illnesses as diseases, give words to their feelings, and be able to recognize warning signs in their friends and classmates.
How We Talk About Suicide Really Matters
It is so important to talk about suicide to break the stigma. But, how we talk about it makes a big difference.
Prioritize Youth Mental Health During Covid-19
Based on CDC guidelines of increased mental health problems for kids, it is imperative that we prioritize youth mental health during this pandemic.
Warning Signs of Suicide and How to Help
Learn how to talk to your friends who are depressed or at risk and what you can do you help them.
QuaranTeen + Tween Series
Gabriel’s Light has created this new series to help parents navigate these unprecedented times.